Welcome toSpice The Night! Before you dive into the fun, take a quick look at the game rules to make sure everyone’s on the same page. These rules are designed to keep the game fair, exciting, and enjoyable for all players. Whether you’re playing solo challenges, taking shots together, or daring each other with tasks, following these guidelines will help you get the most out of the game. Cheers to a night full of fun!


    Solo Challenges
    Answer the question honestly and take the indicated number of shots. If you don’t want to answer, take the default 5 shots.

    Would You Rather
    Choose between the two options and drink the indicated number of shots. If you don’t want to answer, take the default 5 shots.

    Just Do It
    Complete the task and drink the indicated number of shots. If you don’t want to participate, take the full amount.

    Partner in crime

    Everyone plays. If the question applies to you, drink together with the team.

    *Shots represent the number of sips for us, so this can be any form of alcohol: wine, beer, shots, or a good mixed drink.


    Solo Challenges
    Answer the question honestly and take the indicated number of shots. If you don’t want to answer, take the default 5 shots.

    Would You Rather
    Choose between the two options and drink the indicated number of shots. If you don’t want to answer, take the default 5 shots.

    Just Do It
    Complete the task and drink the indicated number of shots. If you don’t want to participate, take the full amount.

    Team Cheers
    Everyone plays. If the question applies to you, drink together with the team.

    *Shots represent the number of sips for us, so this can be any form of alcohol: wine, beer, shots, or a good mixed drink.

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